Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.
What's up
IndigMEC2 Conference
Conference focus: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous
Workshop in research ethics
The Saami Council together with Sámi University of Applied Sciences invites sami academia, the Sami parliaments, the research councils and those interested in sámi research to a workshop. The purpose is together, in the sámi community, to discuss the text, research ethics and possible next steps in the process.
The background for the workshop is, that the Saami Council in spring 2022 has written the discussion text "Working towards ethical guidelines for research involving the Sámi". The text refers to various studies that have been done so far in research ethics in Sápmi, a brief introduction to similar studies that have been carried out in some other indigenous areas, and how property rights and autonomy also is a part of research.
In conclusion, there are proposals for how we can continue to work on this matter.
The Saami Council has sent the text to an open hearing, and they have received comments and suggestions to the text.
Sign up before 15.11. 2022
Sign up here (e-mail will open)
The workshop is free, participants cover travel and accommodation expenses themselves.
The workshop is interpreted between northern sami and english.
Interpretation is at zoom, you will need your own computer, iPad/tablet or smartphone with zoom app, and your own headset.
NB The workshop will not be streamed.
Tuesday 22.11.2022
Moderator: Head of department at Sámi allaskuvla Lájlá Helene Eira
12:00 Lunch at Diehtosiida
13:00 Welcome, headmaster at Sámi allaskuvla Laila Susanne Vars
13:10 Greetings from Sámi Parliamentary Council, president Håkan Jonsson
13:20 Status until today / writer of the discussion text Ásllat Holmberg, The Saami Council
13:50 Written feedback for the discussion text / Rune Fjellheim, The Saami Council
14:05 Break
14:20 Experiences with ethical guidelines in health research / associate professor, Bent Martin Eliassen, Nord University
14:40 Process with ethical guidelines / doctor Lydia Heikkilä, University of Lapland, planner at the Sámi Parliament
15:00 SSR (Svenska Samernas Riksförbund/ Sámiid Riikkasearvi) experiences with ethical guidelines / secretariat manager Jenny Wik Karlsson
15:20 World cafe conversations, based on chapter 6. and 7. in the discussion text Working towards ethical guidelines for research involving the Sámi
17:00 Presentation in plenary: Moderators from the world cafe presents the conversations
17:20 Plenary conversation: The world cafe conversations ja the presentations
17:50 Summary and ending the day / head of department Lájla Helene Eira
18:00 Dinner at Thon Hotel
Wednesday 23.11.2022
Moderator: Head of department at Sámi allaskuvla Lájlá Helene Eira
09:00 Welcome to the second day / Head of department Lájla Helene Eira
09:10 GIDA Sápmi (The Global Indigenous Data Alliance) – Indigenous network about indigenous data sovereignty and governance/ researcher Susanna Siri, Centre for Sami Health Research, UiT
09:30 Plenary conversation: Geaidnu viidáseappot / What's next?
- Christina Storm Mienna, associate professor, Várdduo director & member of Sámi allaskuvla Research Ethics Committee
- Hadi Lile, associate professor, Østfold University College & member of Sámi allaskuvla Research Ethics Committee
- Jan Erik Henriksen, docent, Department of Child Welfare ans Social Work, UiT
10:30 Break
10:50 Plenary conversation - Geaidnu viidáseappot? / What's next?
12:00 Summary and final reflection / professor Harald Gaski
12:30 Lunch at Diehtosiida