Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.
What's up
IndigMEC2 Conference
Conference focus: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous
Duodji and international opportunities
The seminar will contain presentations from the duodji organizations and institutions on how they work with duodji, as well as reflections from invited duojárs on how they see their work in connection to international opportunities. In addition, there will be presentations from organizations responsible for the internationalisation of handicrafts and duodji about international arenas and opportunities, as well as existing support schemes.
Through plenary discussions and coffee table conversations, we want to use this day to map the duodji practitioners' own needs and thoughts about the potential for international activity.
Feel free to forward this invitation to others in your duodji network.
Registration deadline for seminar with accommodation: 16 October
Registration deadline for seminars without accommodation: 23 October
Accommodation at Thon Hotel Guovdageaidnu will be covered.
09:00-09:30 Introduction keynote by Gunvor Guttorm, Sámi Allaskuvla //
Láidesteapmi otna fáddai, Gunvor Guttorm, Sámi Allaskuvla
09:30-10:30 Presentation of the duodji organisations and institutions, and how they work //
Ovdanbuktimat duodji organisašuvnnaid ja ásahusaid birra ja movt sii barget dujiin
10:30 Pause
10:45 - 11:45 Experiences from duojárs that have been active on the international arenas //
Internašunála vásahusat duojárin
11:45 - 12:30 Lunsj // Beaiveborran
12:30-13:30 Presentation of available support for duodji //
Doarjjaortnegat duodjái
13:30 Pause
13:45-16:00 Keynotes & Workshop: International opportunities and arenas, Norwegian Crafts
Can all duodji be sold to everyone? Experiences from collectors of duodji on Swedish side, Johanna Njaita, Sámi Duodji - Sameslöjdstidelsen
Sámi trademarks and international marketing, Reetta Tornensis //
Ovdanbuktimat ja bargobádji: Internašunála vejolašvuođat ja arenat, Norwegian Crafts
Sáhtta go buot duoji vuovdit juohkehažžii? Vásahusat duoji čoaggima birra ruoŧa bealde Sámis, Johanna Njaita Sámi Duodji - Sameslöjdstidelsen
Sámi gálvomearkat ja internašunála gaskkusteapmi, Reetta Tornensis Sámiráđđi
17:00 Dinner // Gaskabeaivvit Thon Hotel Guovdageaidnu