Suoma sámiid duohtavuohta- ja soabadankomišuvdna galleda Sámi allaskuvlla. Ságastallamat Sámi al
Suoma sámiid duohtavuohta- ja soabadankomišuvdna galleda Sámi allaskuvlla
Dutkančuolbma: Sámegiela ođđahállit
Sini Rasmus lea sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa stipendiáhta Sámi allaskuvllas.
Dutkančuolbma: Suotna savkkuha - Duodji dáiddálaš ovdánahttinbargun
Sara Inga Utsi Bongo lea duodjestipendiáhta Sámi allaskuvllas. Son muitala iežas logaldallama birra ná:
Ságastallan Unjárgga gielddas: Giellaealáskahttimii gullevaš doaimmat
Doavttergrádastudeantta Sini Rasmus ja sosiolingvistihka professor Annika Pasanen bokte.
Sámi Education Conference 2021
Following national advice on preventing the spread of Corona infection, have the organizers of the Sami Education Conference 2020 decided to postpone the conference until the autumn. New scheduled conference time is 5'th to 7'th of October 2021.We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause for the individual. For those who allready have registrated to the conference, we hope that they will be able to participate at the conference, if not please inform us and we will help you.